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Posts on Legal Tech, Litigation, & E-Discovery

Using Total Case Organization to Make Wise Technology Investments

March 13, 2017
Posted by Meg Hall

DeathtoStock_Meticulous-09 - Edited.jpgIn 1987, Gartner Group popularized a new term within the technology industry: “Total Cost of Ownership.” Analyzing total cost of ownership provides law firm and other business leaders leaders with a framework for determining the complete costs of implementing new technology.

For three decades, technology professionals and business leaders have used this calculation to decide if a new technology is a worthwhile investment. But total cost of ownership is only one piece of the puzzle. Firms should also consider the benefits the new technology will bring to the firm, in terms of enhancing case organization and efficiency.

Casefleet's new white paper, Total Case Organization: Quantifying the Benefits of Legal Tech Investments, gives law firm leaders a formula for making better technology purchase decisions.

TCO Purchase Decision Formula.pngDownload your free copy to learn more about how Total Case Organization can help you make better technology investments and empower your litigation practice.

Total Case Organization