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DIY E-Discovery Ebook

For too long, lawyers have relied on outside experts to handle e-discovery for us, instead of learning the technical skills needed to run the process ourselves. By learning a few basics, you can help minimize risk in your practice and save valuable time and money. Read More

Dictionary of E-Discovery

Lawyers who “do” e-discovery tend to use a lot of hard-core terminology that is bewildering to the uninitiated. To help, Casefleet has developed this e-discovery dictionary so you can break down some of the most forbidding e-discovery terms and see that the concepts they refer to are pretty straightforward. Read More

Legal Deadline Calculator

Litigators calculate deadlines all the time. Instead of pulling out a calendar and counting days manually to determine a deadline, use this free online deadline calculator. Read More

Quantifying the Benefits of Legal Tech Investments

white paper
There are a lot of factors to consider when evaluating the potential benefits of a new legal tech investment. In this white paper, you'll learn how to look beyond Total Cost of Ownership and analyze if a new legal tech investment can help you win more cases. Read More

Webb & Taylor, LLC

case study
When medical malpractice and personal injury firm Webb & Taylor decided to expand by adding a second office, the first order of business was to centralize case information and streamline business processes to accommodate team members in multiple locations. Read More

Beasley Allen Law Firm

case study
Discover how Casefleet's innovative e-discovery tools empower legal professionals like Suzanne Clark in managing electronically stored information (ESI). This case study highlights the transformative impact of Casefleet in streamlining case management, enhancing document review, and facilitating effective litigation processes. Read More

Cavanagh Law

case study
Explore how Casefleet revolutionizes fact chronology preparation in legal cases through the experiences of Debora Verdier, a seasoned employment lawyer. This case study delves into the ease of creating detailed timelines, managing documents, and evaluating cases efficiently with Casefleet's comprehensive tools. Read More

Hutchison & Steffen, PLLC

case study
Learn how Risa Beck, Paralegal Manager at Hutchison & Steffen, enhances her document review process with Casefleet. This case study showcases the efficiency and effectiveness of Casefleet in handling large-scale document management and review, proving indispensable for winning complex legal cases. Read More

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