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How Casefleet compares

Choose Casefleet for a smarter way to manage legal cases, where our technology and service quality outshine the competition.

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CaseFleet Timelines litigation chronology software

A powerful alternative to word processing and note-taking software, Casefleet is specifically built for litigation teams to track all the elements of your cases.

Casefleet Word Processor
Facts in chronology are linked to witnesses, legal issues, and evidence
Data visualization included
Automatic generation of reusable work product
Comprehensive database for tracking facts, witnesses, documents, and legal issues
Every item in your case has a specific "home-base," making it easy to find
Built-in evidence reviewer
Automatic generation of record citations
Powerful filters for viewing subsets of facts
Group permissions enable walled-off access for co-counsel and clients
Runs in the cloud and available from anywhere
Accessible on a smartphone or tablet

Learn more about Casefleet

Check out our case chronology overview, support pages, and pricing, or schedule a demo today.

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