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Legal document management software: Stay organized & efficient

Optimize your legal workflows with Casefleet's tailored document management system. Consolidate case files in a secure, accessible location. Enjoy efficient file retrieval, organized storage, and robust security. Our tools for categorizing, tagging, and advanced search simplify document handling, enhancing case preparation efficiency.

2024-07 Centralized document storage

Centralized document storage solutions

Casefleet's robust document storage capabilities allow you to securely store an extensive range of legal documents and files in one centralized location. Support for 50+ file types ensures that all your case-related materials are easily managed and accessible, streamlining the way you handle legal data.

Tailor your document overview with custom views

Enhance your document management experience with the ability to create custom views, tailor columns, and refine metadata displays. Assign document reviews to specific team members for improved oversight. Casefleet's flexible customization options are designed to meet your firm's unique needs, elevating document management and operational efficiency.

2024-07 Tailor your document overview

Legal document management software review

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Casefleet has allowed my firm to systematize how we handle document dumps and dig out key facts, witnesses, and exhibits that we will actually use during depositions and at trial. It has been instrumental in allowing us to drill down and determine what allegations can and cannot be disputed, and who we are going to call to prove-up our case. This software will allow you to take your practice to the next level.
Real Estate, Probate, and Litigation Attorney, Texas
2024-07 Efficient document organization

Efficient document organization with custom tags

Organize your documents swiftly using custom tags. This feature enables you to group and categorize files effectively, with the option to apply tags in bulk either on the sources tab or during bulk processed uploads. 

Rapid document search capabilities

Accelerate your document retrieval with Casefleet's advanced search capabilities. Find exactly what you need with precision and speed using diverse search options, including keyword, exact phrase, proximity, Boolean, and wildcard queries. Our powerful full-text document search functionality provides immediate access to crucial files, maximizing efficiency during critical case preparations. 

2024-07 Rapid document search
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I really appreciate the attention to constant improvement. Going with Casefleet still remains one of the best business decisions I've made. In fact, I just had a trial and the ability to export the factual timeline and organize/filter facts by issues was invaluable for witness examinations. I'll share the credit for winning a jury verdict for my clients.
<div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1715015349408_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_inline_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="inline_text" data-hs-cos-field="by">Jason Shinn, Attorney</div>
Jason Shinn, Attorney
2024-07 Collaborate effectively

Collaborate effectively with team members

Enhance teamwork and case strategy with Casefleet’s collaboration tools integrated within our document management system. Utilize the activity feed to stay updated on team interactions and data modifications, fostering a cohesive case-handling environment. 

Explore more features with Casefleet

Dive deeper into Casefleet's extensive feature set beyond document management. Discover tools that enhance case analysis, timeline creation, and evidence organization, designed to keep your team engaged and efficient. Explore additional features to maximize your firm's capabilities and keep navigating through our site for more insights.

2024-07 Explore more features

Legal document management software FAQs

What is legal document management?
Legal document management involves the use of systems or software to securely store, manage, and track legal documents. It enables law firms and legal departments to maintain a well-organized repository of all legal files, which can include briefs, contracts, court filings, and correspondence, making them easily accessible and searchable.
What is the best way to manage and organize legal documents?

The best way to manage and organize legal documents involves utilizing document management software designed for legal needs. This typically includes features for tagging, categorizing, and indexing documents, as well as advanced search functionalities to retrieve documents quickly.

How many legal documents can be stored for a client?

The capacity for storing legal documents for a client in Casefleet depends on the chosen subscription plan, allowing for scalability based on the firm’s needs. Our Starter Plan permits up to 20 document uploads per case, ideal for smaller cases or firms with limited document management needs. For law firms requiring more extensive document handling, our Standard Plan provides unlimited document uploads, ensuring ample storage for even the most document-intensive cases.

Is legal document management software secure?

Yes, legal document management software is designed to be secure, incorporating industry-standard security measures such as encryption, user authentication, and data backup. These features help protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and data breaches.

Do I pay more for additional document storage?

With Casefleet, you do not incur additional charges for extra document storage. However, policies on document storage can vary widely among providers. Some document management systems include a fixed amount of storage in their initial pricing and may charge extra for additional storage needs. Conversely, other providers might offer unlimited storage, accommodating growing document volumes without additional fees.

Are there other industries that can use document management software?
Yes, document management software is versatile and can be used in many industries beyond legal services, including healthcare, finance, education, and government. Any industry that requires the organization, storage, and secure access to documents can benefit from document management systems.
What’s the difference between Casefleet and other legal document management software?
Casefleet distinguishes itself with features specifically tailored for litigation support, such as fact management and chronology-building tools that integrate with document management. It focuses on linking evidence directly to facts and timelines, which is particularly useful in preparing for trials. This might contrast with other software that may focus more broadly on document storage and retrieval without these litigation-specific functionalities.

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