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Blazing Fast, Full-text Document Search

Case Search Tab All Documents Image

Search for text anywhere in your uploaded documents

With search*, you can find keyword matches in the text of your document, and you can immediately open the reviewer to start creating facts on matching pages.

With character recognition (OCR) applied to each document, you can be confident that your searches won't miss anything.

*Full-text search is available on Standard and Enterprise plans.

CaseFleet helps me keep track of discovery, timelines and facts about a case in one place. Helps me in finding connections between what a witness may have said in one report and what was said in another. This allows me to finding inconsistencies or issues that may be crucial in a case.
- Criminal Defense and Divorce Attorney

Use terms and connectors for precise searches

Need to find documents that contain specific words or phrases, or want to capture misspellings of a particular word: we've got you covered. Our search feature comes with powerful and flexible tools to enable the most demanding searches. 
Document Reviewer Search Results Image

Find matches in the current document

If you need to find text within particular document, just open in it the reviewer and click search. Each time you visit a result, you'll see the matching text highlighted on the screen!

To see learn more about CaseFleet's search feature, schedule a demo today.

Start your free trial today