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Posts on legal tech, litigation, & eDiscovery

Joshua Gilliland, Esq.

Recent Posts

Litigation Management
April 09, 2019

What Happens When a 30(b)(6) Deponent is Not the Person Most Knowledgeable?

Parties can subpoena corporate entities to produce a witness for deposition who can testify “about information known or reasonably available to the organization” pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6). This witness is commonly known as the “Person...

Litigation Management
October 02, 2018

Strategies to Prove Damages for Lost Profits

Lawyers have to answer a very basic question in preparing a case for trial: How can we prove damages? In a patent case with a discovery dispute over lost-profit damages, the ultimate question was what damages were “adequate to compensate for the...

Litigation Management
September 07, 2018

Organizing Evidence for Court, With a Look at Video Game Cases

Video games have been a way of life since the first computers, from the basic games of the 1950s to Pac-Man Fever of the 1980s. The 21st Century has a new level of game play, with far more complicated games that were ever envisioned in the days of...

Litigation Management
August 08, 2018

Designating Privileged and Work Product Materials

Electronically Stored Information (ESI) is far more than communications sent between parties; a party’s investigators can also create ESI. In a lawsuit brought by PETA against at a zoo for the treatment of animals under the Endangered Species Act,...