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Posts on legal tech, litigation, & eDiscovery

Litigation Management
March 31, 2023

The Benefits and Pain Points of Collaborating on Cases

Collaborating with colleagues on cases is becoming increasingly important in today's legal environment. Whether you are working on a complex litigation matter or a routine transaction, teamwork can provide valuable insights, improved efficiency, and...

July 08, 2020

An Analysis of Popular True Crime Podcasts

Podcasts have become a ubiquitous part of our lives, with people around the world regularly listening to shows from their favorite entertainers as soon as the newest episode is released. One topic that has proven to be particularly popular among...

May 28, 2020

Preparing for E-Discovery

It’s safe to say electronic evidence—text messages, digital photos, cloud storage, and the internet of things—will be involved in every new case you have. As a result, it’s important you prepare to produce and request electronic evidence from the...

May 07, 2020

A Statistical Analysis of Dateline - TV Show Legal trends 2015 - 2019

Dateline on NBC has been on the air for nearly three decades and has become one of America’s favorite sources for true crime and real-world legal drama. Across the country, millions have tuned in weekly for years in order to learn the details of...

September 05, 2019

Requesting and Producing Text Messages in Discovery

Text messages can be powerful evidence. We know from personal experience that they are ubiquitous, both in our personal lives and our work lives. A text is less formal than an email - shorter, quicker, and more likely to draw a quick response. Texts...

May 17, 2019

Visual Timelines: How we Made It

Facts mean a lot. The who, what, where, when, and why of cases can make all the difference in a case. Aside from finding the facts, there's also the important task of organizing them. If there are many facts, organization is what differentiates a...

Litigation Management
April 09, 2019

What Happens When a 30(b)(6) Deponent is Not the Person Most Knowledgeable?

Parties can subpoena corporate entities to produce a witness for deposition who can testify “about information known or reasonably available to the organization” pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6). This witness is commonly known as the “Person...

March 08, 2019

Email Collection for eDiscovery with Outlook

Email is involved as evidence in nearly every legal case. In 2019, it's actually really hard to imagine a case where email wouldn't have some bearing on the outcome. Even "avid off-the-gridders" has a website, and monkeys are taking selfies! Nearly...

January 24, 2019

Improving PDF-Based Document Productions: Unitization

PDF files are used in almost every industry as the standard file type for a document that has reached its “final” form, such as a signed contract, a filed pleading, or a scanned document. In contrast, when we’re still editing a document, it will be...

Litigation Management
October 02, 2018

Strategies to Prove Damages for Lost Profits

Lawyers have to answer a very basic question in preparing a case for trial: How can we prove damages? In a patent case with a discovery dispute over lost-profit damages, the ultimate question was what damages were “adequate to compensate for the...